Please send in your tributes and/or memorials.......
This page is dedicated to my daddy James A. Pingleton,Sr.
For which I would like to pay tribute to not only
for serving his country for 20 years, but also for being a Wonderful parent, and supporting me in my choices, although he
may not have agreed with them all. I love you!
I would also like to pay tribute to the wives, husbands,
mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, and other family members of the Vietnam Veterans! God only knows what they went through
waiting to find out how their loved one was doing and when they were coming home, or if they were coming home at all!
You have my respects as well!
James A. Pingleton, Sr. is also my daddy,and I would
like to say he was not only the measure of a soldier, he was also the measure of a man. He sets a great example. He has always
been there for us as well as for our country. Thanks, Daddy.
Submitted by: Gracie Hendrickson

Whom the Tribue/Memorial is for: Lucian E. Gower
He was a medic in the Air Force and served his country
faithfully from 1955 to 1972 when he was medically discharged. My father was a man's man. When he left Germany, it took
three men to replace him in the job he had done in the records department. Although he never served in Vietnam, he was
scheduled to do a tour in 1971. He had medical problems beginning in 1970 which prevented him from going and eventually
led to his discharge. I know that my father lost many friends in that war and I know that he cried at the loss of men
and women that fought for their country and he cried even more at his country's refusal to give them the respect that all
soldiers deserve. God bless each and every one of the Vietnam vets, and all vets and soldiers that still carry the torch
of freedom for all of us.
Submitted by: Lucian E. Gower, Jr.

Whom the Tribute is for: BM1 Marvin Dale Edwards Sr.
Tribute or Memorial:
I would like to thank all the men and women that served our country during Viet-Nam. My Dad served in the 513 near Ham-Loung
river. He was a PBR skipper. And from what I can figure out, he served valiantly. He passed away 28feb2001. He died knowing
how proud his children were of him. I also want to take this opportunity to tell all the vets who made it back.... Welcome

Whom the Tribute is for.: William L. Tyrrell, Jr.
This is for my dad who served in
Vietnam. My dad was a tortured soul when he came home with frequent flashbacks and a drug problem. My dad came
home in body but the man he used to be was killed in Vietnam. He made it complete in 1978 when he killed himself.
Since the people of America couldn't do it when our vets came home, I would like to thank each and every soldier who
fought selflessly for us. You are very much appreciated and respected. Since I can't tell my dad, I am very proud
to be a daughter of a Vietnam veteran.
Thank You and Welcome Home.

Whom the Tribute/Memorial is for:
Donald C. Heath Sr.,Retired Master Sergeant.
He served in Vietnam, from 1967-1968, and
returned home. After he returned, there was a change that only can be known by someone who was there (the vet themself or
the family member). His life had changed, and he came home to a changed nation. As with all veterans, the country he loved
and fought for, had turned its back on him. However, to my father, and all those who served in Vietnam, you will never be
forgotten, there is someone who will always remember you and say Thank You. This is in Memory of my father February 27,1944
to August 13, 1999; who died from cancer due to exposure to Agent Orange.Thank You to All the men and women of this nations
military forces.

Whom the Tribute/Memorial is for: Dr. James Danny
He fought in Vietnam and came home. He never really talked about it. He lived a great life, had five
children and became a doctor. I just want to let everybody know that I am really proud of my dad and what he accomplished
in his life. My dad lived from April 13, 1946 until July 23, 2003. He died from bone cancer that was caused by
exposure to Agent Orange.
I love you Daddy! Jamie

To Whom the Tribute/Memorial is for: Rene Vergara
In loving memory of my brother- in- law Rene Vergara, who lost his battle
to cancer (soft tissue sarcoma of the cervical spine)on October 11th, 2003. Rene was an ex-marine that served in Vietnam,(Danang)
in 67'thru 69',his cancer was the result from Agent Orange exposure.Our brother was an extraordinary man and his passing has
left a void in our life. I was fortunate to be by his side the last 3 weeks of his life. He was such a positive man with such
a will to survive and not once I heard him complain about his misfortune. He was told by several doctors that his prognosis
was bleak but he never lost hope....What truly gives me comfort now, is knowing that he is with the Lord and all the suffering
and wasting from this horrible disease is finally over.We will miss you terribly, you were so loved by many and you made such
a difference in my life, as well as others.I promised you at your bedside, that we would always be there for your girls
and that we will continue "the family reunion tradition" that you started. You are that "angel" that will look after all of
us... You were a wonderful father, uncle, brother and also friend Your memory will live forever in me, but especially
when I see our nation's flag flying, because it will remind me of a hero that I once knew, someone that fought for our country
and died as a result of his patriotism... I know that now, at last, you can rest in peace. We love you Rene, I am so very
proud to have known you and to have loved you and been loved by you. Rest in sweet peace, soldier, You're a hero, now. You
will never be forgotten!
With much love, Your sister and brother, Estrella
& Sam

Whom the Tribute/Memorial is for: James
James Curry was my father and he was a great person.
He took a lot of photos while being in vietnam and most people were overwhelmed to see the horror. James ended his career
as a LT. Colonel. HIs health was later affected by agent orange. He spend his last years in a Maryland hospital
watching as just about every organ in his body shut down. He finally passed away in March 2004. May he rest in
Love your daughter.

Whom the Tribute/Memorial is for: All Who Served
Thank you to every person who served and to every family who waited back home for
them. Without the selfless sacrifices you made, I would never have had the comforts and privledges your service
has afforded me for the past 31 years of my life. Words can never express the true gratitude I feel for all of you
who were so young and so brave - more brave than most of us could ever imagine. My hope is that you all grow
to be old - older than you ever imagined; and that your life is happily surrounded by those you love, forever and
Heather Timmons Binder

To send your own tribute or memorial, fill
out the form with all the information you want to be included in the tribute and/or memorial along with your name. Make
sure you list all the information that you want posted. Check back in a couple of days to view your tribute or memorial.
To correct any information already posted please contact me.